I haTe U !!
Friday, December 30, 2011 ϟ 3:54 AM ϟ 0 Greylicious

nie aq nak cter an psl minah nie.. dia nie ske sgt wat aq STRESS!! ergh!! on9 je fb msti gadoh..aq pon xtaw asl ngn pngai dia nie.. EH SHIALL LARH PUIIHH!!  we lain kali an law nk chat smbang bnde yg leklok la.nie jgn nak wt aq marah..lagi2 wktu aq ngh STRESS and MARAH .. huh! but skrg aq dah aman sbb aq da block dia..haha lantak pi ar ko.. GO TO HELL LAH KO LAGI BAGUS !!


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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

i love my sweet sour wife -Kai-
Hello stranger! I Khairul Na'im . I prefer to be called Kai | Naim and has grown into adolescence born 1997. This blog where I will share every story sad, happy, love happened in my life. This blog belongs to me. This is my world. If you walked into this website, you will be part of my life. So welcome to Kai 'Craxe blog.

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Template By: Nurul Ain
Edited By: elis ramona
Blog owner: Kai Craxe